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来源 : 生物学实验教学中心     作者 : 实验中心     时间 : 2019-04-11




2001-2005 浙江工业大学本科

2005-2010 浙江大学 博士

2011-至今 杭州师范大学历任讲师、副教授


(1) Zhehao Chen, Mengting Li, Ye Yuan, Jiangqin Hu, Yanjun Yang, Jiliang Pang, Lilin Wang*, Ectopic expression of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) CsTIR/AFB genes enhance salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2017, 131:107~118

(2) Zhehao Chen, Ye Yuan, Di Fu, Chenjia Shen, Yanjun Yang, Identification and Expression Profiling of the Auxin Response Factors in Dendrobium officinale under Abiotic Stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017, 18(5), 927

(3) Yaling Song, Pan Wu, Yafei Li, Xiaxiu Tong, Yifang Zheng, Zhehao Chen, Lilin Wang, Taihe Xiang, Effect of endophytic fungi on the host plant growth, expression of expansin gene and flavonoid content in Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels & Gilg ex Diels, Plant and Soil, 2017, 417:393~402

(4) 姚丽琴陈哲皓鲍林文何露霞王利琳*黄瓜生长素受体同源基因CsAFBCsTIR在拟南芥中的转化与功能表达农业生物技术学报2016242 215~224

(5) Zhehao Chen#, Lingzhi Hu#, Ning Han, Jiangqin Hu, Yanjun Yang, Taihe Xiang, Xujia Zhang, Lilin Wang*, Overexpression of a miR393-resistant form of transport inhibitor response protein 1 (mTIR1) enhances salt tolerance by increased osmoregulation and Na+ exclusion in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant & Cell Physiology, 2015, 56(1):73~83

(6) Zhehao Chen#, Feifei Jia#, Jiangqin Hu, Jiliang Pang, Lei Xu, Lilin Wang*, Virus-induced gene silencing of PEAM4 affects floral morphology by altering the expression pattern of PsSOC1a and PsPVP in pea, Journal of Plant Physiology, 2014, 171(2): 148~153

(7) Maolin Bao, Hongwu Bian, Yulong Zha, Fengyun Li, Yuzhe Sun, Bin Bai, Zhehao Chen, Junhui Wang, Muyuan Zhu, Ning han*, miR396a-mediated basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor bHLH74 repression acts as a regulator for root growth in Arabidopsis seedlings, Plant & Cell Physiology, 2014, 55(7):1343-1353

(8) 陈哲皓,鲍林文,王利琳*黄瓜生长素受体同源基因的克隆、序列特征及表达模式分析农业生物技术学报2013218):931~939

(9) Yanjun Yang, Haiyan Jin, Yong Chen, Weiqiang Lin, Chaoqun Wang, Zhehao Chen, Ning han, Hongwu Bian, Muyuan Zhu, Junhui Wang*, A chloroplast envelope membrane protein containing a putative LrgB domain related to the control of bacterial death and lysis is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis thaliana, New Phytologist, 2012, 193(1):81-95

(10) Zhehao Chen, Maolin Bao, Yuzhe Sun, Yanjun Yang, Xiaohong Xu, Junhui Wang, Ning Han*, Hongwu Bian*, Muyuan Zhu, Regulation of auxin response by miR393-targeted Transport Inhibitor Response Protein 1 is involved in normal development in Arabidopsis, Plant Molecular Biology, 2011, 77: 619-629











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  • 技术支持:亿校云